Affordable web hosting is certainly for you if you have built your first website and now wonder how do I get it hosted? Or if the monthly web hosting fees are draining your pocket.
Most companies offer a few different types of Shared Web Hosting services. The only difference usually being how much disk space you want or how much transfer allowance you need.
Below are a few more Shared Web Hosting UK but I could go into great detail and do not want to confuse you. If you have the time, look into all of them by using your favourite search engine and decide which is best for you.
Unfortunately there is no real way around this problem if you are already caught up in it other than move your hosting to an ISP that is actually based in the Country that they claim to be on all advertising etc. Always check beforehand if you are looking at a non .co.uk domain name for your site, as you do risk never getting the 100's or 1000's of search engine referrals that http://www.google.co.uk can provide you.
If this is your first website and you are just getting started on the Web (Internet) you may be confused by all the web hosting offers on the internet. A good rule of thumb would be to do a web search for the term Affordable Web Hosting and from the results returned, go to each company and see what they have to offer and then use the company which you feel has the most Affordable Web Hosting package. It is that simple.
Look for the reviews, take the companies for test (almost every web hosting company provides 30 days money back guarantee). In a good web hosting company, a very important step is to test the credibility.
You now have the three main options of affordable web hosting at your fingertips. Decide on which one to go for. It really depends on you. Whatever the case may be, just make sure that you are careful in your selection. The best option is to seek advice from a web hosting expert that won't even collect a single cent from you.